Monday, April 9, 2018

Final Blog - Friday, April 20th @ 11:59pm at the latest!

You will complete a final blog instead of a final exam for this course. Please read the following instructions:

-Select a topic from the previous blogs.
-Approach that topic from a different angle. For example, if you select UAVs, you may want to focus on the military application of UAVs (since we didn't really include this in our previous discussion). You may include a little information from the previous blog, but not more than a paragraph.
-Total length should be about double of your regular blog. I'm not going to be too specific on length. I prefer quality over quantity. 
-You should have at least three references. 
-Although our final exam time is Wednesday, April 18th @ 2pm, I can give you some extra days. The latest you can turn in this blog to Canvas is Friday, April 20th @ 2pm. Make sure it is submitted to Canvas. 

Monday, March 26, 2018

ATC Privatization - Due Saturday, April 7th @ 11:59PM

ATC Privatization- Please answer the following questions:

1) Describe the fundamentals of our current ATC system vs. the proposed NextGen system. Include details. i.e. "Next Gen is satellite-based." is not enough detail.

2) Why has GA traditional spoken against the privatization of ATC? What is the stance of US airlines on ATC privatization and why? Find two aviation organizations/lobby groups/think tanks (not individual companies) etc. and report their response to privatization.

3) Is ATC privatized in any other countries? If so, where? Write about the details of how this system works. How is it funded? Who are the private operators? Etc..Does the privatized ATC system run more or less efficiently than our current system?

4) What would be the process for converting our current system into a privatized system? i.e. would it have to go through Congress, the FAA, etc..Where is the discussion at? i.e. is there a passed bill or law allowing ATC privatization? Does it have to be an act of Congress or can the FAA make this decision on its own. How do expect the current administration to impact ATC privatization if at all?

5) Finally, do you feel that the current ATC system would be more efficient if it were privatized. Why or why not?

Don't forget to include at least two references in APA format as well as corresponding in-text citations. There must be at least one in-text citation for every reference that you list.

Aviation Organizations - Due Saturday, March 31st @ 11:59PM

The topic is Aviation Organizations. Please answer the following questions: 

Do not use AOPA or ALPA in your answers.

1. What associations will it be important to belong to when you are employed and engaged on your career path?  Identify at least two organizations. 

2. Research the associations that you identified. Discuss the mission and functions of each association. Also discuss the role of these organizations in the overall industry, including their support for other sectors of the industry.

3. Discuss why is it important for you to belong to these associations.

4. Describe potential employment opportunities with these organizations.

Monday, March 12, 2018

Global Airlines: Is It a Fair Playing Field - Saturday, March 17th @ 11:59PM

US Airlines are known for attacking foreign long-haul carriers, often attributing their success solely to the government subsidies that these carriers receive. Please answer the following questions:

1) Describe the US-UAE Open Skies Agreement. List and describe two long-haul carriers that are a part of this agreement that also receive government subsidies.

2) Do any long-haul US carriers receive subsidies or have received subsidies in the past? If so, which airlines? Why?

3) Another complaint is that long-haul foreign carriers have made aircraft purchases at "below market interest rates" that are unavailable to US carriers. How is this possible? Please discuss the Export-Import Bank.

4) Are there any current issues with Norwegian International Airlines and the Open Skies Agreement? What about with carriers such as Emirates or Qatar?

5) Finally, critically analyzing the above information, do you feel that the global "playing field" of long-haul carriers is fair?


Monday, February 26, 2018

Who should be the next FAA Adminstrator? - Due Saturday, March 4th @ 11:59PM

So I've decided to abandon the Chinese competitor post for something maybe a little more current and spicy, shall we say? Our topics have been pretty bipartisan...let's churn things up a little.

President Trump just announced that his private pilot is in the running for FAA Administrator. Please answer the following questions:

-What are the qualifications of John Dunkin (President Trump's pilot)?

-Who are the other candidates for FAA Administrator and what are their qualifications?

-Pick two past FAA Administrators. What was their qualifications?

-What is the job description of FAA Administrator?

-In terms of your career and based upon the job description above, do you feel that it matters who the FAA Administrator is? Why or why not?

Have fun and be respectful in your comments. 

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

The Comercial Space Industry - Due Friday, February 23rd @ 11:59pm

Is Commercial Space Tourism a viable industry? Please answer the following questions:

1) Historical background: When did the idea of "space tourism" begin? How has it developed? What have been the hurdles and accomplishments? Start in the 1960's - present day.

2) Give a brief summary of the rules and regulations that currently govern the commercial space industry. When and why were they developed? Start with the first rules developed in the 1980s. Do you feel that they are appropriate or that the need to be more or less restrictive?

3) Where do you see space tourism headed and in what time frame? I.e., do you think it will be accessible to the general public, not unlike the commercial airline industry? Do you think it will develop into a means of transportation or do you think that it will perpetually exists as a one-time, bucket list adventure? Why?

4) What are the qualifications to work in the space tourism industry  - either from the pilot or the management perspective? This may require some research, perhaps even making a phone call.

Monday, February 5, 2018

The Current Status of UAVs - Due Saturday, February 10th @ 11:59pm

Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) are frequently in the news, most often for their military applications or the random story of a college experiment gone wrong, which inadvertently placed a UAV in controlled airspace. However, rumor has it that their practical application in the civilian world is becoming more of a possibility. Please answer the following questions for this week's topic:

1) What civilian purpose, if any, are UAVs currently being used for in United States? How are these civilian UAVs currently regulated (if they are regulated)? What are some of the details of the regulations that apply to the commercial use of UAVs?

2) Are UAVs being operated commercially in other countries? If so, where and for what purpose?  

3) Do you foresee UAVs integrating into the NAS? If so, how? Also, what problems do you foresee resulting from this? Be sure to include not only logistical problems, but also potential perception problems.
4) As for the military application of UAVs, how have they transformed military strategy? Has their integration been efficient (consider all aspects - from financial to ethical)?
5) Finally, do some research and find out if their are UAV jobs that are advertised for civilians (both flight and management students). If so, include this as your link. If you are unable to locate a job posting, reference your above answers to brainstorm the potential for types of UAV jobs in the future.

Sunday, January 28, 2018

Should Cargo Carriers Be Exempt From Flight/Duty Changes? - Due Friday, February 2nd @ 11:59PM

Please answer the following questions:

1) As a result of the Colgan Air accident, the FAA institute new flight and duty regulations. Summarize  these new regulations and describe how they are different from the old flight and duty regulations.

2) Cargo carriers are exempt from the Part 117 rules. What are the current flight and duty limitations for cargo carriers?

3) Why do you feel that cargo carriers have been excluded from the new changes? Value of life? Public perception? Too much money for the carrier? Other reasons? All the above? You may find that reading the preamble of the final rule is helpful in answering this question.

4) Do you believe cargo carriers should be included in the new rules? Why or why not?

5) Finally, what would be the impact to your career if cargo carriers were to be included in these new rules - Pilots, address this from a pilot perspective, management address from a management perspective.

Monday, January 22, 2018

Pilots and Mental Illness - Due Friday, January 26th @ 11:59PM

In March of 2015, Germanwings Flight 4U9525 crashed into a side of a mountain, killing all passengers and crew. The cause of the accident has been determined to be suicide by the first officer. Upon investigation, it was determined that the first officer did have a history of mental illness.

This accident brought the questions of pilot mental health to the forefront. Please answer the following specific questions in regards to this topic:

1) What are the specific details of the Germanwings accident? Was the pilot's metal illness documented? Prior to the accident, had he ever had issues that were a result of his mental condition?

2) In addition to the Germanwings accident, find a discuss another incident/accident where the pilots mental condition was a contributing factor.

3) How is mental health currently screened for and address amongst the pilot population? Do you feel that this method is sufficient or that there is need for reform? If you feel that there is need for reform, what specific processes would address pilot mental health more efficiently?

4) Expanding on 3), look at the issue from the FAA and airline perspective. What may be some challenges for the FAA and airlines if a more liberal approach was implemented in regards to mental illness acceptability and treatment?

Please include two references in APA format along with appropriate citations.

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Flying Cheap and Professionalism - Due Sunday, January 21st at 11:59PM

The topic is the regional airlines. Many of you, regardless if you are a management or flight student, will work in some capacity with the regional airlines. Hopefully, through writing this blog, you will have a further understanding of the environment as well as the current issues impacting the industry.

In class, you watched a documentary called "Flying Cheap".  This documentary is about the regional airline industry, focusing on two aspects. First, there is a discussion of the Colgan accident and factors that may have contributed to the accident. Second, the documentary presents information about the career of a regional pilot. Although a career in the regionals has changed dramatically (for the better) over the last few years, some of the issues of professionalism remain.

Please address the following topics in this blog:

**First, address the state of the regional airline industry. There is a lot of "buzz" about the pilot shortage. Do you believe the pilot shortage is real and based upon projected retirements and the current number of new pilots entering the industry? Also, do you believe that the "pay increases" will solve the pilot shortage problem? Why or why not? To answer these questions thoroughly, you must research and provide evidence. 

**Second, with the 1500-hour rule, regional airlines may be concerned with their hiring pool. Why? What do you see as possible solutions - both for aspiring pilots and for the regional airlines themselves?
**Third, keeping the documentary in mind, please answer the following questions:

-I proposed that one theme in the events that led up to the Colgan accident was the lack of professionalism.  Answer the following three questions related to professionalism:

    * 1) Define professionalism in your own words.

    * 2) List two ways in which lack of professionalism was demonstrated in this documentary. Remember: Both pilots and management can lack professionalism.

    * 3) Do you feel that first year pilot pay and/or the compensation structure of a regional airline is a contributing factor in the lack of professionalism demonstrated in the documentary? Why or why not?

    * 4) List two specific ways you plan on maintain and expand your level of professionalism once you are employed in the job that you listed in 1). These ways must be independent of the requirements of the job.

Reminder: You must have two references with corresponding citations (APA format).

Monday, January 8, 2018

Personal Introduction - Due January 12th @ 11:59pm

For your first post, please write a personal introduction. This introduction should include the following:

1) Background - how/when did your interest in aviation begin?

2) Current status - what major and when do you graduate?

3) Future plans - you must address this specifically. Points will be deducted for answers such as "I will fly anything for anyone".  A more appropriate answer would be something like "I will flight instructor and then would like to fly for Express Jet. Upon upgrading to captain at Express Jet, I would eventually like to retire from Southwest Airlines.". I realize that many of you may not have this narrowed down at this point. That's okay. Just write something specifically. Research shows that having a specific goal provides more motivation and success than non-specific goals, even if the specific goal stated does not end up coming to fruition. You will look at this goal again at the end of the semester and comment about if your original goal has changed and if so, for what reasons.

4) As stated, this course is comprised of two parts - career development (which will include a series of guest speakers) and current topic discussions. Please state if there are some specific areas that you would like to be represented by guest speakers. Please address this even if that particular type of guest speaker is already listed in the syllabus. If there is a lot if interest in one or more particular areas, I may try to secure multiple speakers in that area. I would also like you to list at least two areas of current aviation topics that may be of interest to you. Although I have laid out several topics in the syllabus, I am flexible about changing them in order to meet your interests.

No references are required for this week's post. Also, you are not required to comment on other people's posts this week. This post should be about 3-4 paragraphs. 

Prof. Wall

Introduction to Blogs

Hello Everyone!

Welcome to AVT 422 Senior Seminar! My goal in this course is to give you some practical and useful tools that hopefully will give you an edge as you venture into your aviation careers...or any careers for that matter.  One way I have decided to do this is through the social media of a blog. I know a several people in the aviation world who have utilized blogs to advance their careers in various ways. Like other social media tools, (such as Facebook and Twitter) writing, reading and commenting on blogs allows you to create a social network of aviation professionals that you may not have otherwise created. Also, this is yet another thing you can put on your resume - "aviation blog writer". I'm not kidding. As long as you keep the topics professional, many employers would be quite impressed with this initiative.

I will assign a weekly aviation topic - which I will post on this blog. In addition to career development, I also use senior seminar as a course to discuss current and global topics in aviation.  Each week you will be required to do the following:

1) Write a post about the topic, approximately 3-5 solid paragraphs. I will usually provide a list of 4-5 questions that you need to answer through research of the topic. In addition, opinions are encouraged. Proper grammar and spelling is expected - remember that all of your class peers (and, if you wish, other aviation professionals and employers) will have access to your blog. Use in-text citations when necessary and remember that there must be at least one in-text citation for every reference. Failure to use in-text citations or plagiarism will result in 0 points for the post. Also, failure to include 2 references in APA format and the corresponding references will result in a loss of all 4 points (see rubric). Posts must be up by the Friday before class (@11:59pm) to allow time for peers to read and comment. The assignment will remain open on Canvas until the Sunday after the due date, however, any assignments posted after Friday at 11:59pm will receive a 3 point deduction.

2) Again, you must include APA references and citations in each blog post (2 references minimum).  Please make sure that the sites are reputable and include a link so that your classmates may easily access our  information.

3) Each week, in addition to your own post, you are required to read and comment on at least 2 of your classmates' blogs. Please post these comments to Canvas (indicating which blog they were posted to) by 1:59PM Monday (before class) to receive full credit. Comments should at least be 3-4 full sentences and indicate that you have thoroughly read the blog post that you are commenting on.

4) Come to class each week prepared to have an in-depth discussion of the topic.

Have Fun!